Use the subtabs above to get the facts on income inequality, tax inequality, wealth concentration, econnomic opportunity, inquality impacts, and pulic opinion. Over a third of Americans who are born to parents at the bottom of the income ladder remain very poor their entire lives. Bhashkar Mazumder. May 2008. “Upward Intergenerational Economic Mobility in the United States.” Economic Mobility Project. In America today, the number one factor predicting how wealthy you will be is not whether or not you went to college, but whether or not your parents are wealthy. Bhashkar Mazumder. May 2008. “Upward Intergenerational Economic Mobility in the United States.” Economic Mobility Project. If you are born poor in America you are twice as likely as the average American to remain poor your entire life. Bhashkar Mazumder. May 2008. “Upward Intergenerational Economic Mobility in the United States.” Economic Mobility Project. It is now more difficult and less common for Americans to change their class position than it is for people in many old world countries like Germany, France, and England. The State of Working America. 2011. “The United States produces less mobility than many of its international peers.” Among the developed countries, the United States has the lowest social mobility in nearly all measures, while the European social democracies now have the highest. Quiggin, John. 2010. Zombie economics: how dead ideas still walk among us. Princeton: Princeton University Press. |